happy b'day...aibong
happy b'day...aibul
happy b'day...nduut
happy b'day...snowball
happy b'day...galala
happy b'day...manggala prasidha
i'm true happy for him tonight, i even not capture it trough his camera :(
i gave him a basketball..he's so pleased :)
also a b'day card,,
and my project..a food journal for him hihi
oh, not to forgot a lil bookmark from bandung..he's not coming there :(
so for sure now he's drving him self to his home,,'cause he insisted tonight to come to my house for giving me the 1st cake,,and for sure i got no surprise for him but the gift and all my love for him :)
have a blissfull life my snowball
'cause i know it's true, clear to see that ur heart is the warmest heart i ever known..
and keep fighting for ur dream cos u're a true knight :)