Thursday, January 28, 2010

sejumput kisah di minggu ini (bagian 1)

okkaaay minggu ini pe er bgt deh buat gw..
udh dirumah kerjanya cuma guling-guling..main polyvore ^^..baca-baca buku aprraisal..dan pastinya menunggu mr.akrilik mengabari(dimana sampai sekarang blum ada kabarnya :( huhu) makany si skripsi cm muter2 aj di kepala harum sari juga blum ditengokin! duh ><
senang dan deg2an jg karena perjuangan si cinta mencari sesuap nasi :) ada bangga ada takut..mungkin mostly takut..takut dia kenapa-kenapa trus sedih i'm 100% believe in you!! krn usaha si cinta yang sepenuh hati dan makin hari tampilannya makin ciamik wkwkwk..
teteep kangen kakek..dan selalu mendoakan kakekku :)
dan tibalah hari kamis..wooow udh kamis aj ><
pagi-pagi sukses gk bangun!! aplg klo bukan malemny tdr kemaleman..matahri pagi udh sy goodbye..bunda juga udh sibuk nemenin nenek..tinggalah si cucu istifara masih guling-guling dirumahnya..bunda pulang! buka pintu dan okkay bantuin masak ehehe
simpel bgt makanan yg dibuat di rumah minggu ini..gk macem2 deh jd gmpg ahaha
masak fillet kakap, sayur ongseng, tempe goreng,,nyammm,,,
hr ini jg gk susah apalg cm ngerebus kacang panjang (yg buat sambel terasinya bunda) dan ngerebus telor (yang ngebalado-in bunda) ahaha ini mah bukan masak tp asisten tukang masak...yh biarlah,,setiap pekerjaan harus dimulai dr karir yang paling bwh donk haha
siangnya ambil fotokopiannya si er lg buat besok krn blum balikin bukunya ke perpus huuuu..lebih sedih lg karena si cinta nya gk bs nemenin hiks
iseng-iseng gk jd ke depok,,nyobain lentikkin bulu mata
lamaa juga udh mlh janjian sm bella juga mau berenang ><
jdlh mata gw lentik..kata mbak2nya waa bagus yh mbak bulu matanya panjang..menurut gw agak creepy..secra seumur-umur bulu matanya nunduk ke bwh dan skrg ke atas hihi (katany bs smpe 3 pengalamn pribadi wktu itu pernah di keriting rambutnya buat acara cm tahan setengah jam..abis itu luruuuuus..nyampe acarnya jg udh lurus rambutnya hehehe jd yh,,gk menaruh harapn besar jg buat si bulu mata hihi)

-disambung ke bagian 2-
(abis gk enak ngeliatnya kepanjangan hhhee)

Sunday, January 24, 2010

the smart way to live with u

in the end of the day there's always u
hug me with ur big hug
warm me with ur smile
tahnk you aibul ^^

i hope we can share more things in the future
definitely hope that i'm not going mess around anything hehe
once ur foot prints gone..i really don't know what to say except thanked to God to have u even just a bit of time with u

i love u for today and more for tomorrow :)

Saturday, January 23, 2010

polyvore highlight

yeeeey !!
my polyvore age is now : 15 days old
the world of polyvore has been so awesome for me
dive myself again to the world i barely can't touch lately
art and creativity
and the people are sweets too ><
so here the stats:

773 set views
544 set favorites
5 collection favorites
54 contacts

and this is my first winning a contest set:

my sexy flower ><

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

i'm still cloudy..cause one of the sun i had is gone

i spent most of my childhood playing around your house..
my mom said it's always been easy for me to had ur attention.
i'm ur first grandchildren and i know u love me so much
yet when i grew up i know u're a quiet peson
not like grandma that loves to tell me a story yet sing along with me
one thing for sure u've been always on my side whatever and whenever
u love to take me home from school
u love to bought me wafers, ice cream, anything i like
u accompany me and my sisters when my mom and dad watch movie outsides
u're so simple..
i always remember all your favorite foods
sate padang
soto padang
gulai tunjang
and ur healthy every morning,,u love sports so much
u did karate, golf, volley ball u had a handsome body grandpa
and i know this past time u've been so sad cause u got to rest all your body..
i know you're getting old..
i know..but i can't let you go this fast..
i want u see me longer,,until i'm graduate and have my own family..
i thanked god to let me have you for twenty years of my life
i did only little help for you,,,
i only can drive you anywhere you like since u're not allowed to drive anymore..
that's too little compare to things you've been giving for me
the last time i see ur face,,the time u left us u're smiling
i'm glad grandpa,,i'm glad..
but the truth still slicing my hearts..this time and now on,,i couldn't run from the memories of you..
and i simply miss you
i miss you
i miss my grandpa who always reading a newspaper, with her white t-shirt and sarong and a delightful smile
sitting in front of his house and greet me any time i pass his house for school, course an even playing with my friend..
i love you

Sunday, January 17, 2010

late night typing time

whoaaam, it's pretty late but my eyes are wide open
i feel soo relieved some how after what i've been trough some past days
yap, the acnes and the moody still here
but they're all pretty fly away because i do put so many smiles recently
not just because i'm doing what i really like to do right now but because i'm surrounded by so many lovely people yet  i found they're fantastic in many ways..
i also had some curious 'bout what happened next..but let's say this curiosity isn't good and i thought it's time for me to hold on myself a no it's not about i'm quite expanding my horizon but,,likely this time i got to loved what i have and count my blessings before asking for more...

god now what's best for me and i do believe
above all
all my pray go to my dearest grandpa, he's still laid down in the hospital
and i can't help my tears not coming for writing this
he's the first one asking me travel when i was three years old to Bukit Tinngi
he's beyond my words he loves me i always know
god now what's best for him and i do believe

okay, my stomach is sick again,,asking for some rest i guess :)

Saturday, January 16, 2010

Dark Delights of Tim Burton

sooo amazing!!
my fav pict is no.1
but the extraordinary style is no4
and 6: a rare rabbit with killer shoes!!

see by urself at

really can't wait to watch ><

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

featured in louvett

i'm so happy ^^
opened my mailbox and found this

thank you louvett ;)

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

the questioned world

i can't understand why people do lie and repeat it
making promise and break it and repeat the same thing
i can't understand why people said they love you but they leave you
and why people love you based on others opinion and consideration
but seemed i do understand cos there's no need to understand it
since it's not our own life but GOD
once we make others hurt GOD put a record for it
once we make others happy God put a record for it

there'll be fire also ice in our life..
sometimes they do good to warm and chill
but also harm to burn and freeze

Monday, January 11, 2010

Sunday, January 10, 2010

ms.tutti fruti and mr.berry

today was so exhausted ;(
my grandpa got serious sick and i stayed at the hospital all trough the night
this morning tough he's not well but he's getting better..i prayed my best for him
today and other past days i played polyvore a lot!! it was like three days since i signed in there and totally in to it hahay i also i put the link in my blog side bar ;)
so finally today i made my promise to visit mr.agung ariawan the man made acrylic
surprisingly he moved his workplace but fortunately it near by the older one
he's a kind man and help me designing this lab experiment acrylic tube project
huff.. got so relieved and the last thing i wait is the payment of those tubes hahay
he told me to bring a letter from my university so i could get the student prise :)
next, i accompanied my boy to check out his 'berry' things in Senayan City
his 'berry' bold totally take his attention into it,,kinda jealous hahay
ended up today with tutti frutti (never know why i got so addict with yoghurt)
i mixed the strawberry, guava and lychee yoghurt topped by dragon fruit, strawberry sauce and mochi melon (as always)
and surprisingly my 'berry' boy like it!! gosh he never like any yoghurt at all
so might this story end with label:
ms.tutti fruti and mr.berry

Friday, January 8, 2010

do it this way

“Always design a thing by considering it in its next larger context - a chair in a room, a room in a house, a house in an environment, an environment in a city plan.” Eliel Saarinen

on eight jan 2010

hari ini...

nyobain buck mee
lumpia udangnya enaaak
tp bakmi nya kurang suka soalnya ada rasa jahe nya
gak suka jahe ;(

overall tempatnya nyaman
pelayanannya cepet
harganya ok hhee

hari ini terjebak malas ;(

nonton hbo seharian kerjanya ;P

dan..kangen kapan bisa ponny tail lg
abis rambutnya masi pendek hhe

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

the footprints

tracking back..
everyone left their footprints
some of them deep while other footprints just as shallow as the wind blows then they will dissapear
mine wasn't walk yet for a long distance
but might the foot prints tend to be deeper as long as i walk
what i'd like to care is to see who's following the footprints..
will another footprints come along with mine? or stay back from mine? or leave mine? or there weren't any foot prints at all..

see how this ground carries too many footprints
but sure there's still be space
cos even the deepest footprints won't stay forever

rinko kikuchi recent style :heart it

first thing first :white (since i love this colour s0o)
Photo by Vittorio Zunino Celotto/Getty Images Europe

Photo by Vittorio Zunino Celotto/Getty Images Europe

Photo: Courtesy of Chanel
fell in love with this cute dress

now in black
Photo by Fotonoticias/Getty Images Europe

Photo by Fotonoticias/Getty Images Europe

Photo by Samuel Aranda/Getty Images Europe

Photo by Pascal Le Segretain/Getty Images Europe

Photo by Junko Kimura/Getty Images AsiaPac

Photo by Samuel Aranda/Getty Images Europe

Photo by Kristian Dowling/Getty Images Europe)

Photo by Bauer Griffin
a sweet suit :)

then grey
Photo by Pascal Le Segretain/Getty Images Europe

Photo by Dave Hogan/Getty Images Europe

the blue just so right :)
 Photo by Pascal Le Segretain/Getty Images Europe

what i did today

cool 'tough not exactly like the book but it's entertaining

how could i resist a yoghurt topped with mochi melon??
also it's friendly with my pocket ;P

wanted: shock drat,pvc,acrylic on the move..
sadly i couldn't drive,,it slowed me down a bit

waited mr.purnomo and wijoyo
hopes tomorrow i could meet them both

Sunday, January 3, 2010

queen for gala

lately i'm listening to queen
mr.snowball really enjoyed him self to sing their song
so this post was for him :)

“I won't be a rock star. I will be a legend.” -Freddie Mercury- 

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